Adoption Working Group

Adoption of ATMPs Working Group hosted by Advanced Therapies Wales

The role of this group is to support the adoption of NICE (National institute for Health and Care Excellence) recommended ATMPs (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) within the healthcare settings in Wales, working alongside NWJCC (NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee) who are responsible for the planning and commissioning of Specialised and Highly Specialised Services on behalf of Health Boards in Wales, and the Health Boards themselves.

To lead on delivery of Goal two and cross cutting themes, within the Advanced Therapies in Wales Delivery Plan 2025-2029.
This includes developing expertise in hosting and commissioning, ensuring seamless implementation and delivery of Advanced Therapies as they become available through NICE recommendation for NHS adoption.
The group will support the identification of requirements and resources to enable standard care delivery.

Chair: Professor Iolo Doull – NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee

If you are interested in joining this Working Group please email: